"The Purpose Advantage" delves into the essential concept that brands with a genuine purpose drive stronger customer loyalty and profitability. In the modern business environment, consumers aren't just looking for the best product or the cheapest deal; they want to support companies that have a meaningful mission, one that aligns with their values. Jeff Fromm provides insights into why a brand purpose matters, how to develop it, and how to articulate and act on it effectively.
Key Highlights
- Purpose Beyond Profit: Modern consumers, especially millennials and Gen Z, desire to buy from and work for companies that have a genuine societal impact. Profitability isn’t the only measure of success anymore; the societal impact is equally vital.
- Defining True Purpose: Not all purposes are created equal. For a purpose to resonate, it must be authentic, unique to the brand, and actionable. Simply paying lip service to a cause can backfire, leading to accusations of "purpose-washing."
- Empirical Proof: The book delves into several case studies showcasing how purpose-driven companies outperform their counterparts in both brand loyalty and profitability.
- Roadmap to Purpose: Fromm provides actionable advice on how to discover, articulate, and execute on a brand's purpose. It's not just about marketing but permeating the purpose throughout all facets of a business.
- Risks and Challenges: Embracing a purpose is not without its risks. Companies have to ensure that their purpose aligns with their actions, or they may face public backlash. The book provides insights on navigating potential pitfalls.
Book Endorsements
- “More than ever, we need clearthinking to help brands andbusinesses to clarify how they willauthentically benefit society. Doingso will open up opportunities andprotect the sources of social andnatural value on which their – andsociety’s – success depends.” - Ben Kellard, Director of Business Strategy, CambridgeInstitute for Sustainability Leadership
- A thought-provoking toolkit to help companies with purpose engage people who care about who is behind the brands they buy and care about what they do. - Joey Bergstein, CEO, Seventh Generation
About the Author
Jeff Fromm is a renowned marketing strategist, speaker, and author, often acknowledged for his deep insights into the millennial market. With his expertise in consumer trends and brand loyalty, Jeff has advised numerous Fortune 500 companies on harnessing the power of purpose in their branding and operational strategies. Besides "The Purpose Advantage," he has authored several other groundbreaking books on marketing and branding in the digital age.